June 15 2020: (UPDATE) Gov.uk – Covid-19 How to work safely in care homes
Guidance for those working in care homes providing information on how to work safely during this period of sustained transmission of COVID-19.
This resource has been updated from the previous version of this document as follows:
- the title of this resource has changed from “How to work safely in care homes” to better reflect the content.
- removal of table 3 for simplicity (the scenario previously described has been merged into Table 2)
- addition of questions and answers to Section 2
- addition of Section 3 relating to care for people with learning disabilities and/or autism.
- further explanation/minor changes to responses to selected questions in Section 2
- further detail added to recommendations including specification of surgical mask types (defined in consultation with HSE and MHRA
You can access the full document and supplementary materials here: