Below you will find some of our most popular, well used and valued customer-facing resources.

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Consumer-facing documents to send to clients...

Your guide to getting the care you need -2024-25

MCC’s guide to getting the care you need – 2024/25 edition

36 pages – E-book/PDF file – take a look at some sample pages

Written to be clear and accessible, but at the same time full of important detail, this is an ideal document to send to clients at the first hint of a care need for themselves or a family member. It helps to ensure they start their care journey in an informed way.

Every day at My Care Consultant we help people who are struggling to make sense of the rules and regulations that apply whilst they try to navigate the challenges of arranging care, working out who should be paying for it, and ensuring they receive the practical or financial help they might be entitled to. We know from experience that a basic understanding of how things work helps most people at least start off down the right path. So we have written this consumer-facing guide to help point your client in the right direction at the earliest opportunity.


Your guide to Local Authority support for Adult Social Care - June 2023

MCC’s Guide to local authority support for adult social care

38 pages – E-book/PDF file – take a look at some sample pages

At My Care Consultant we continue to see examples where the correct procedures to determine eligibility for Local Authority funded social care haven’t been properly followed or implemented. And with the reversal of the government’s expected reforms, which have now been delayed until at least 2025 things are even more complex and confusing for consumers. We have designed this guide to be a useful starting point for those in need of care who may be eligible for some level of support from their local authority, with the aim of helping them understand what should happen and what to do if it doesn’t.


MCC’s guide to NHS Continuing Health Care (England)

44 pages – E-book/PDF file – take a look at some sample pages

NHS Continuing Healthcare (NHS CHC) is a package of care for people aged 18 or over who are assessed as having a ‘primary health need’ that has arisen because of disability, accident, or illness. If it is agreed that the person being assessed has a ‘primary health need’, and they are awarded NHS CHC funding, this can be a game changer for them financially. If someone receives NHS CHC in their own home, the NHS covers the cost of the care and support they need to meet their assessed health and associated care needs. If they receive NHS CHC in a care home the NHS will also pay their care home fees including food and accommodation.

This guide helps people understand what should happen if NHS CHC might be an option,  and how to increase their chances of getting a fair outcome.


Choosing a home care provider - questions to ask to help identify the best provider for you

Choosing the right home-care provider:  a comprehensive list of questions to ask to help find the right provider for you

14 pages of information and questions – E-book/PDF file – take a look at some sample pages

When faced with several care agencies, all appearing to offer similar services, making a choice can feel like an overwhelming prospect. But this checklist of questions is designed to help your clients find out what they really need to know about each of the providers they are considering, so they can more easily compare them.

The document is designed to help them think about which things matter most to them and/ or the person who is looking for care and may include questions and information they might not otherwise have considered.


Questions to ask to help select residential care

Choosing the right residential care:  a comprehensive list of questions to ask to help find the right provider for you

18 pages of information and questions – E-book/PDF file – take a look at some sample pages

When someone visits a care home to assess whether it might be the right place for them or their relative, what should they be looking for? What questions should they ask about the home? How can they assess how well it might meet the needs of the person who requires care? This document is designed to help them find out what they really need to know about each of the care homes or residential care settings that they are considering, so they can more easily compare them.

It is designed to help them work out which things matter most to everyone involved, and our clients at MCC have often commented that it includes things which they would not otherwise have thought about until it was too late.


Questions to ask about Retirement Living

Questions to ask about Retirement Living Developments: What you need to know in order to help find the right solution for you

20 pages of information and questions – E-book/PDF file – take a look at some sample pages

Asking the right questions when considering what type of property or scheme best meets your needs is just as important as the quality of information pro-actively made available to you by the provider, so we have created this comprehensive list of questions to ask for each of the main types of retirement housing. It includes useful information about the different types of retirement living developments, and is designed to uncover what factors are of most importance in your case, helping you identify the right retirement living property and/or complex for you.


Your guide to key welfare benefits for older adults

Your guide to key welfare benefits for older adults

A 46 page guide – E-book/PDF file – take a look at some sample pages

The cost-of-living crisis has brought into sharp focus the importance of Social Security Benefits for many people and families in the UK. Despite this, evidence suggests that cash-strapped pensioners are continuing to miss out on thousands of pounds of extra income because they are not claiming all that they are entitled to in terms of both means-tested and non-means-tested State Benefits.

The UK welfare state is intended to help families when they fall upon hard times – something that can happen to anyone. This guide is designed to help older people (or their families) wherever they live in the UK, to understand how the benefit system works, what key benefits are available, what the eligibility criteria are, and how to access whatever benefits they may be entitled to.


Save when buying several documents together...

Core Consumer-facing care bundle

Core consumer-facing bundle – save 15% when you buy these documents together

The three key documents to be able to give to your clients:

  • Your guide to getting the care you need –  an invaluable introduction to understanding and navigating the care systems across the UK
  • Your guide to local authority support for adult social care – practical information and tips for getting a fair outcome when seeking support from your local authority to help meet social care needs
  • Your guide to NHS Continuing Health Care – Practical information and tips to help secure a fair outcome when seeking NHS CHC funding
(£64.97 when bought individually)


Extended consumer-facing bundle

Extended consumer-facing bundle – save 20% when you buy these documents together

Includes the three key documents in the Core Bundle PLUS:

  • Choosing the right home-care provider – a comprehensive list of questions to ask providers to ensure they’re right for you
  • Choosing the right residential care – a comprehensive list of questions to consider when comparing care homes to help find the right one for you
  • Questions to ask about Retirement Living Developments – What you need to know in order to help find the right solution for you

(£94.94 when bought individually)
