Please note, with the vaccine roll-out and the gradual release from lockdown, critical changes relating to later life advice and care advice are becoming much less frequent so we have decided that as of May 2021 we will no longer be actively updating this page.
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Knowing what should be happening in the care sector helps clients to know what to expect if someone is going into care, and also helps them challenge the authorities if they feel that something is not happening as it should be.
For a single entry point for general information on coronavirus from either UK or devolved government information see the following links:
- UK –
- Northern Ireland –
articles/coronavirus-covid-19- overview-and-advice - Scotland –
- Wales –
For a single point of entry in respect of the ongoing FCA response to coronavius for firms see the following link:
The following dated postings relate primarily to either healthcare, socialcare or later life issues that financial advisers giving advice in these areas should be aware of.
November 20 2020: Coronavirus (COVID-19): Homecare workers to be tested weekly for COVID-19
Care workers looking after people in their own homes will be offered weekly coronavirus tests from Monday, the government has announced…
November 18 2020: (UPDATE) Coronavirus (COVID-19): Guidance for people receiving direct payments
This update reflects current national policy and adds sections on mental health support, accessing the winter flu vaccination and testing…
November 13 2020: Coronavirus (COVID-19): CONSULTATION – Stopping movement of staff between care homes
The government wants your views on plans to minimise the risk of coronavirus (COVID-19) infections by making residential and nursing care home providers restrict the movement of care staff. This consultation closes at midday on 23 November 2020…
November 11 2020: Coronavirus (COVID-19): (UPDATE) Looking after people who lack mental capacity
Two attachments have been updated to reflect the latest guidance and advice for professional visits during the national lockdown, which began on 5 November 2020, relating to those with a role as an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate or a relevant person’s representative…
November 05 2020: (UPDATE) Visiting care homes during coronavirus
The guidance has been updated to reflect visiting arrangements in care homes during the lockdown from 5th November to 2nd December…
November 05 2020: (UPDATE) Office of the Public Guardian response
This page provides guidance on how OPG is responding to the coronavirus outbreak. Updated today in line with new government lockdown rules from 5th November to 2nd December…
November 05 2020: (UPDATE) How to register an EPA during the coronavirus outbreak
This page provides information on how you can register an EPA while remaining in line with current restrictions. Updated today in line with new government lockdown rules from 5th November to 2nd December…
November 05 2020: (UPDATE) Being a deputy or attorney during the coronavirus outbreak
Updated today in line with new government lockdown rules from 5th November to 2nd December…
November 05 2020: (UPDATE) Making and registering an LPA during the coronavirus outbreak
Updated today to highlight the new government lockdown rules from 5th November to 2nd December, and to indicate how you can still make and register an LPA despite the lockdown…
November 04 2020: New guidance to support safe care home visits during lockdown
New government guidance on how care homes will be encouraged and supported to provide safe visiting opportunities as new national restrictions come into effect…
November 04 2020: COVID-19: (UPDATE) guidance on shielding and protecting people defined on medical grounds as extremely vulnerable
Updated to add 2 reference letters and updated guidance on how to get a test for COVID-19…
November 04 2020: (UPDATE) Providing home care
Updated to indicate that this guidance will be properly updated soon and directing users to guidance updated ahead of the 5 November national lockdown…
November 04 2020: (UPDATE) Admission and care of people in care homes
Updated to indicate that this guidance will be properly updated soon and directing users to guidance updated ahead of the 5 November national lockdown…
November 02: FCA consultation on draft guidance: Mortgages and coronavirus: updated and additional guidance for firms
Suggested proposals to enhance the support to mortgage borrowers who face payment difficulties due to coronavirus… deadline for responses/ suggestions is 5th November 2020…
October 15 2020: (UPDATE) Visiting care homes during coronavirus
Updated today with reference to local COVID alert levels and measures set out in the adult social care winter plan…
September 18 2020: Gov.UK : CORPORATE REPORT: Social Care Sector COVID-19 Support Taskforce: report on first phase of COVID-19 pandemic
This report sets out the progress and learning from the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in informing advice and recommendations to government and the social care sector…
September 18 2020: Gov.UK : CORRESPONDENCE : Adult social care winter plan: letter from Minister for Care to local authorities
Letter from Helen Whately, Minister for Care, to outline the expectations of local authorities in relation to the adult social care winter plan…
September 18 2020: Gov.UK : POLICY PAPER – Adult social care: coronavirus (COVID-19) winter plan 2020 to 2021
Policy paper outlining the government’s ambitions for the sector and the challenges facing adult social care this winter…
September 17 2020: PRESS RELEASE More than £500 million for social care to reduce coronavirus transmission over winter
Care providers will be given an extra £546 million to bolster infection control and help protect residents and staff throughout winter…
September 11 2020: Gov.UK: CORRESPONDENCE: COVID-19 infection rises: letter to care providers from Director of Adult Social Care Delivery
Stuart Miller, Director of Adult Social Care Delivery, has written to care providers to highlight rising infection rates and request action on testing and PPE in all care settings…