Please note, with the vaccine roll-out and the gradual release from lockdown, critical changes relating to later life advice and care advice are becoming much less frequent so we have decided that as of May 2021 we will no longer be actively updating this page.
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Knowing what should be happening in the care sector helps clients to know what to expect if someone is going into care, and also helps them challenge the authorities if they feel that something is not happening as it should be.
For a single entry point for general information on coronavirus from either UK or devolved government information see the following links:
- UK –
- Northern Ireland –
articles/coronavirus-covid-19- overview-and-advice - Scotland –
- Wales –
For a single point of entry in respect of the ongoing FCA response to coronavius for firms see the following link:
The following dated postings relate primarily to either healthcare, socialcare or later life issues that financial advisers giving advice in these areas should be aware of.
September 02 2020: – Coronavirus (Covid-19): (UPDATE) Care Act easements: guidance for local authorities
This guidance sets out how local authorities can use the new Care Act easements, created under the Coronavirus Act 2020, to ensure the best possible care for people in our society during this exceptional period – updated to reflect the new guidance from 1st September…
September 02 2020 ; (UPDATE) Coronavirus (COVID-19): providing home care
This update adds a new section on how home care providers can support the NHS Test and Trace service, and links to new hospital discharge service guidance…
August 25 2020: – Coronavirus (Covid-19): Hospital discharge service guidance
Guidance on how health and care systems should support the safe and timely discharge of people who no longer need to stay in hospital. This page also links to a series of leaflets for patients and their family or friends of patients being discharged from hospital…
August 21 2020: – Coronavirus (Covid-19): Hospital discharge service: policy and operating model
Sets out how health and care systems should support the safe and timely discharge of people who no longer need to stay in hospital…
August 21 2020: – Coronavirus (Covid-19): More than half a billion pounds to help people return home from hospital
From 1 September, the NHS will be able to access the funding in order to provide up to 6 weeks of additional support so people can receive ongoing help with their recovery and rehabilitation after they leave hospital…
August 18 2020: – Coronavirus (Covid-19): (UPDATE) Management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings
This update outlines guidance on when health and social care staff can be exempt from being considered a contact for the purposes of Test and Trace…
August 14 2020: – Guidance; Coronavirus (COVID-19): admission and care of people in care homes
This update adds a new section on testing people moving from the community into a care home…
July 31 2020: – Guidance; Coronavirus(Covid-19): Visiting care homes during coronavirus
Latest guidance for making arrangements for limited visits for care homes with the support of their director of public health…
July 30 2020 (UPDATE) – COVID-19: guidance for managing a funeral during the coronavirus pandemic
This advice is designed to assist people who are involved in managing or organising a funeral related to a death from any cause during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Updated to link to information on local restrictions…
July 30 2020 – COVID-19: guidance for stepdown of infection control precautions within hospitals and discharging COVID-19 patients from hospital to home settings
This guidance provides advice on appropriate infection prevention and control (IPC) precautions for patients recovering or recovered from COVID-19 and remaining in hospital, or being discharged to their own home or residential care. Updated today to reflect changes to self-isolation policy for all admitted patients to 14 days; updated section 3 to include the provision of written instructions for ongoing isolation when discharging patients…
July 30 2020 (UPDATE) – COVID-19: management of staff and exposed patients and residents in health and social care settings
Updated to reflect the extension of the self-isolation period from 7 days to 10 days for those with symptoms or who test positive for Covid-19, and 14 days for those admittd to hospital
July 28 2020 – (UPDATE) Coronavirus (COVID-19): providing unpaid care
Today’s update is on face coverings, face masks and protective clothing. The following information has been added: examples of essential care under ‘Caring for someone who is clinically extremely vulnerable’; guidance on how to get tested; and contact details for NHS Volunteer Responders…
July 28 2020 (UPDATE) Coronavirus (COVID-19): impact on HM Land Registry’s services
Today’s update outlines how transfers of ownership of property, leases, mortgages and other property dealings can be signed and witnessed electronically…
July 22 2020 (UPDATE) Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for people receiving direct payments
The advice for people who buy care and support through a direct payment, as well as local authorities, clinical commissioning groups and those who provide care and support has been updated…
July 22 2020: Families and friends to be reunited with loved ones in care homes as visits restart
Care home residents are set to be reunited with friends and family as visits begin again following the publication of new guidance on 22 July…
July 16 2020: (Press Release) Government confirms allocations of £500 million additional funding for councils
Allocations confirmed for individual councils in England to help deliver essential services for residents during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic…
July 16 2020: (Transparency Data) Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing in care homes: statistics to 8 July 2020
Latest figures on coronavirus testing for social care staff, their household members and residents of care homes…
July 09 2020: The impact of COVID19 on Caring
This article explores who has been caring during the COVID-19 Pandemic and how caring responsibilities and accessibility to care has changed since lockdown…
July 09 2020: UPDATE on statistical data COVID-19: number of outbreaks in care homes – management information
This week’s number and percentage of care homes reporting a suspected or confirmed outbreak of COVID-19 to PHE by local authorities, regions and PHE centres…
July 09 2020 : COVID-19 prevalence survey: domiciliary care staff in England
This pilot study provides the first estimate of the extent of COVID-19 infections among domiciliary care workers in England…