April 01 2020 – The Coronavirus Act 2020: A CRITICAL UPDATE on how it now affects adult health and social care

April 01 2020 – The Coronavirus Act 2020: A CRITICAL UPDATE on how it now affects adult health and social care

Things are moving at pace in these difficult times. At 3.30pm yesterday (31st March 2020) the Secretary of State, Matt Hancock, issued the required Statutory Instrument that brought into force regulations so that Local Authorities in England no longer have to comply with certain duties in relation to meeting needs or carrying out assessments under the Care Act 2014. This clearly has consequences for anyone currently or imminently seeking care for themselves or on behalf of a loved one.  In this update we clarify what actioning the Statutory Implement means and where to find further information.

We recommend anyone giving care advice makes themselves familiar with the detailed content of the guidance to Local Authorities. We also suggest that all seek clarification from their councils in respect of its immediate response to and plans in respect of the easements…